PetDesk - Two-Way Texting: Best Practices

*Not all locations have this feature enabled, it is an added cost. Please reach out to Jeff Tandy ( if your location is interested.

Two-Way Texting: Best Practices

What is it? The ability to have a back and forth conversation with your individuals through text message.

How to provide a great customer experience over text:

  1. Respond. Clients text for convenience, most don’t want to or can’t take a phone call during the day. This is their preferred method of communication at that time.
  2. Reply within a business day - Examples of Responses
    1. If you need more information from a client….
      1. Respond via SMS asking when a good time to call would be (this can help eliminate some back and forth phone tag)
        1. “Hi _name_, thank you for reaching out! I’ll need a bit more info on _pet_ is there a good time for me to call today to get the information?” *Tip: You can make this a template!
    2. If you don’t need more information from a client….
      1. Respond to get them scheduled if needed, treat this as a phone call.
      2. Answer lingering questions about their pets, processes, or medications.
  1. Set an Auto-Reply and Templates

    1. Auto-Reply: This is sent automatically when a client texts you after hours, you can customize the message and give helpful information. Treat this like your hold message on your phone.
    2. Templates: Up to 10 templates can be created. Use this for responses you find yourself sending often.
  1. Have FUN!
    1. We are humans talking to humans! Be nice and friendly!
      1. Add emojis to your text messages. Right-click on the message to add

      1. Add photos or cute videos of the client’s pets


~Text messages are downloadable into a text file to upload into the medical record for the history of any conversation. 

~Text messages can be sent to clients already in eVet or any 10 digit phone number.